Wednesday, February 27, 2008

“The Enchanted Highway” by Mary Beth Cross (Country Artist from Colorado(CO))

RadioIndy is pleased to present Mary Beth Cross a GrIndie award for her CD "The Enchanted Highway"!
"The Enchanted Highway" by Mary Beth Cross is an enticingly innovative acoustic country album with a Celtic folk and spiritual twist! Kicking off the journey down this highway is the nature-inspired title-track, which opens with a captivating arrangement of native drum and flute arrangements. It's not long before listeners are introduced to Mary Beth's easy-going, pacifying vocal tone. Her unforgettable voice delivers a tranquil sense of comfort, which perfectly compliments the emotional mood of these tunes! "Stay" offers an insight into Mary Beth's compelling lyrical themes. Telling a story of the elation that comes from reuniting with an old friend, "Stay" is like most of the songs on this CD in that it recounts climatic life experiences and sacred moments. What's more, every musical performance on this CD is bright, brilliant, and masterful! Shining production puts this CD on the list of must-haves! Fans of country, folk, acoustic, and spiritual music, take a trip down the "Enchanted Highway" today!
-Xavier P. for