Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Compli-Intricated Life" by Michael Dyer (Adult Rock Artist from Los Angeles, California(CA))

RadioIndy is pleased to present Michael Dyer with a GrIndie Award for their CD "Compli-Intricated Life"
"Compli-Intricated Life" by Michael Dyer is an alternative soft rock album that takes an inventive look at love and relationships. It is certainly original, as it combines wavy soft elements with bassy vocals, wailing guitar solos and a strong indie-influence. Michael's lyrics have a nice flow to them and are quite clever. The album opens with "Alphabet Soup Love," which features lyrics that tell a story of betrayal based guessed it....the letters floating in a bowl of alphabet soup. Tackling the topic of regret, "If I Could Undo" introduces a bit of a Latin flair in its guitar progression, and exhibits some nice instrumental changes. "Ethereal Night" exudes these same qualities, along with a danceable beat and more of an inspirational feel. If you like Death Cab for Cutie, you'll like this one.
-William and the Reviewer Team